
museum of weird personalities. museum of having a slow sunday. museum of wiggling in excitement. of amusements. of reading a book with no academic stress. of watching a movie & acquiring a new personality based on your favourite character until you see another movie. museum of the obscure Japanese words you learned while you couldn't sleep. of perfectly baked cheesecake. of humming. of dressing wildly. museum of not knowing when to join in a conversation. of not being sure to work. museum of talking too fast or too loud. of being too annoying. museum of missed opportunities. of being late. of up-all-night-wondering. of being asleep till afternoon. of calming yourself. museum of all the to-do list you were supposed to do. museum of hyperfixation. of the one food you could eat every day and still be happy to consume. museum of colored glass and embroidery and polaroids. of blending in. museum of masks, of the people you've been. museum of learning how pay attention to the details of your life. museum of board games and fictional character and real-play podcasts and obsessing-over-fantasy. of pastel colours. museum of the books you devoured in middle school, museum of every copy of cosmic books. museum of mythological fiction. of sci-fi. museum of the joy of being unusual. of barefoot on moss and running your hands through the grasses. of being awstruck about the vastness of universe. museum of leaving the party early and of little birds singing and of full-moon. museum of giggle and filling a room with laughter and cactus. museum of seven cheese pizza and Alfredo. museum of telling stories. museum of the divine power in our creative forces. of gift giving. of being too much. of loving someone like your blood is a star that burst. of a soothing song. of a muse. museum of dropped calls and never ending talks. museum of stargazing. museum of fucking up. museum of risks. museum of the yellow light captured from every summer where you felt every moment like ah, this is what i'm gonna miss. museum of godspeed. of calling your comfort human. of sharing every details. of saying i got this. of tiny little bottles you are trying to make into an art project. of unfinished works-in-progress. of beautiful, expressive mess. 

museum of all that you are and all that you ever wanna be.

-drashti shah.


  1. A vibrant tapestry of life's kaleidoscopic artistry.


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